Woven Song Cloths

These cloths are made by a multi-generational Shipibo family in the San Francisco area of Peru, in the Ucayali River basin, the main headstream of the Amazon. The Shipibo are masters of plant wisdom, earth wisdom, and icaros, the sacred healing songs. Every cloth, or tela, is unique and made by hand, and carries a particular medicine of the woven song that it contains.

These cloths are very portable, and can be easily hung on walls, used as altar cloths, or surface coverings. They bring bright energy and blessings to wherever they are placed. It is appropriate and fine to incorporate these cloths onto a canvas bag or other special clothing. They can also be used to wrap and protect sacred objects, and make beautiful gifts.

Note — some of the actual colors in the cloths are more vivid than the photos capture.

By purchasing these cloths, you are helping support this Shipibo community and their work.

Prices are as listed. A flat rate of $10 for shipping will be added to every order, whether you are receiving one cloth or more.

Smaller cloths, which are marked with an asterisk * can be mailed in a regular sized envelope for a flat rate of $5.

Please contact me at mary@theawokenchild.com and let me know which cloth(s) you would like to purchase.

When choosing a cloth, consider the medicine of the song, but also observe and honor what design speaks most strongly to you.

Body Energy - SOLD

From the artisan:

Design to reduce anxiety and stress and to bring strong energy into the body.

About 26” x 30”

$125 + shipping

Good Energy at Work & Protection - SOLD

From the artisan:

Good energy, creativity, and productivity at work. Protection from envy and negative thoughts of others.

Design for anxiety and body energy.

About 16” x 19”

$65 + shipping

Strength of the Body & Mind - SOLD

From the artisan:

The energy of the Anaconda to strengthen and fortify the body and to bring in clarity. Clear vision.

About 26” x 30”

$95+ shipping

Inspiration & Wisdom - SOLD

From the artisan:

A traditional design of the stars to bring in light, inspiration, and the guidance of the cosmos, to illuminate a clear path.

About 13” x 16”

$60+ shipping

Good Luck & Protection - SOLD

From the artisan:

Good luck and bright energy. Protection for the body and good health and energy.

About 26” x 30”

$125+ shipping

Good Energy - SOLD

From the artisan:

A traditional, old design to relieve anguish and stress, and to bring in good energy and happiness.

About 26” x 28”

$125+ shipping

Healing Energy

From the artisan:

Traditional, old design of ayahuasca for healing. In the center is a tinaja, a clay vessel that features prominently in Shipibo lore and rituals, representing creation and abundance.

About 16” x 18”

$65 + shipping

Wisdom & Strength - SOLD

From the artisan:

Wisdom and strength of body and mind. A clear and bright vision. A clear path.

About 25” x 28”

Price: $125+ shipping

Healing of the Body and Prosperity - SOLD

From the artisan:

Healing of the Body and Prosperity. A traditional design.

About 17”x 13”

$65+ shipping

Strength & Wisdom - SOLD

From the artisan:

Design of ayahuasca for strength and wisdom, for good clarity and strong knowledge.

About 11" x 11”

$55 + shipping

Harmony & Alignment -SOLD

From the artisan:

Traditional, old design, for the meeting of ways and minds. Collaboration, harmony, synergy.

About 16” x 19”


Earth Energy & Support* - SOLD

From the artisan:

Good connection to earth; receiving support and protection.

About 6" in diameter

$15+ shipping*

Prosperity & Love - SOLD

From the artisan:

Happiness & abundance in the home. Family Prosperity & Love.

About 28” x 28”

$120 + shipping

Abundance & Prosperity - SOLD

From the artisan:

An abundance of blessings and growth. Prosperity and gifts.

About 28” x 28”

$125 + shipping

Body Protection & a Clear Path* - SOLD

From the artisan:

Earth energy to keep your path and body clear, bright, & protected.

About 7" in diameter

$20 + shipping*

Protection & Good Health - SOLD

From the artisan:

Protection and good health of the home and whole Family.

About 22” x 28”

$115 + shipping

A flat rate of $10 for shipping will be added to every order.

Smaller single cloths can be mailed in an envelope for $3. These are marked with an asterisk *

Please contact me at mary@theawokenchild.com and let me know which cloth(s) you would like to purchase.

Interested in a size or design not shown here? Please let me know and I can connect with the family to see what else is available. Note that this can take several weeks.

If you are interested in purchasing other Shipibo crafts, visit the “Shop” section of the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange. Their site also contains articles about this Shipibo community.